
Showing posts from July, 2024

Some sample pictures of our works on different sites of OmanOil

  Working on OmanOil site (on Asharqiya direction) on 29th August 2020   Working on OmanOil site in Muscat 22 August 2020 Working on OmanOil site in AlDakhliya (Before Nizwa) 13 August 2020 Working on an OmanOil site in Muscat on 4 May 2020 On the Way to Salalah for some of the OmanOil works there 19 Nov. 2020 till one week after This is just for memory, there have been 100s of stations we visited in different parts of Oman. I would like here to share some that we worked on with OmanOil Company.

A Full Guide to Gas Station Tank Calibration

A Full Guide to Tank Calibration (Gas Station Tanks, Especially)  Tank Calibration like the calibration of other equipment in a gas station, refinery, or petrochemical industry is important to have correct information on the inventory or stock. Without such correct and accurate information, different short and long-term issues can arise such as: Shortages in fuel delivery by tankers to the gas stations are not identified to be the real shortage in delivery or the problem in the tank gauging system. This issue leads to lots of claims and court cases between station owners/operators and the Fuel Retail Companies. Not being able to determine the correct inventory amount in the gas station or other tanks, while ordering a standard amount of fuel can lead in some cases to overflow of fuel from tanks which is very dangerous and against HSE and environmental rules In some critical industries having the accurate level-volume or stage-volume, or strapping table of the tank has a meaningful ...

Videos of a sample work done on AlMaha AlHail 2 FS in 2018

In the below video, we present a demo tank calibration for AlHail 2 FS for AlMaha Petroleum Products Marketing Company in brief here only we call it AlMaha. The below video is the general Tank Calibration demonstration by 3D Laser Scanning Tech from DOVER FS  

Working on Fuely Tankers - Tank Calibration August 2022

 In this post I show the work of tank calibration done on Fuely Tankers of AlMaha Company, where they wanted exact charts for their Fuely Tankers. First scaffolding is made and then tankers come under it their two compartments become scanned and then from the cloud of points showing the tankers' tank inside the strapping charts/tables are produced by the DOVER FS Office in Italy. Each tanker has two compartments, means two time scanning is required.

Sample of Tank Calibration Screenshots - Omanoil Falaj Al Harth 30th Jan. 2021

 These screenshots are taken at the end of tank scanning for OmanOil Company Falaj Al Harth  M95 Tank 1 Jan 30, 2021 This picture shows the tank inside space in different views The 3D shape and scan overview in realtime working of the 3D laser scanner is here for this tank As you can see on the real-time screen the plan view of the scan and the 3D shape of tank inside is shown. At the end of scan the 3 different views are shown as well.